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[Education soft system面向高校成绩管理系统

Description: 站长您好:请您审核一希望我上传的主要面向管理系统是jsp+sql编写的,请您看一下,谢谢.-head Hello : Would you want me to review one of the main Cite-oriented management system is jsp sql prepared, you have to look at, thank you.
Platform: | Size: 676864 | Author: 庄恒飞 | Hits:


Description: 学生网上考勤系统 jsp源码+mysql数据库 记录学生到课情况的好软件,非常适合在校老师使用,请大家来下载-students online attendance system jsp source mysql database records of students to classes and the good software is very suitable for teachers to use in school, please download
Platform: | Size: 819200 | Author: c | Hits:

[GUI Developyesadmin_com_200641914580311

Description: JSP+SQL设计的bookshop(源代码),不需要密码,直接解压-JSP SQL design bookshop (source code), no password, directly extract
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: yu | Hits:


Description: 办公系统的设计与实现。该系统是基于web的开发项目,在前台采用jsp控制前台页面的显示。系统的后台数据的管理采用的是SQL SERVER.-office system design and implementation. The system is web-based development projects, the future prospects of using jsp pages control the display. The background data management using the SQL SERVER.
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: 林涛 | Hits:


Description: 一个java连接sqlserver2000数据库的源码,非常多人需要用-a java database connectivity sqlserver2000 the source, a huge number of people needed
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: ck | Hits:

[SQL ServerBuyPro

Description: JSP+SQL应用开发网上书店系统,采用BMP模式开发-JSP SQL application development system online bookstores using BMP pattern of development
Platform: | Size: 713728 | Author: 徐智伟 | Hits:


Description: jsp+sql论坛系统 jsp+sql论坛系统 jsp+sql论坛系统-jsp+ sql Forum system jsp+ sql Forum system jsp+ sql Forum System
Platform: | Size: 8505344 | Author: | Hits:

[SQL ServerBookSupermarket

Description: 网上书店,用JSP+SQL+SERVLET+ SERVER 2000数据库等构建而成-Online bookstore, with JSP+ SQL+ SERVLET+ SERVER 2000 database constructed from
Platform: | Size: 1832960 | Author: 有朋 | Hits:


Description: 一个选课系统,采用jsp+sql编写,有点简单-An elective system, the use of jsp+ Sql writing, a bit simple
Platform: | Size: 1946624 | Author: 李信一 | Hits:


Description: Jsp+Sql server 2000作的网上购物网站,内容详尽,分享跟大家一起学习。-Jsp+ Sql server 2000 for the online shopping site, and detailed, to share with everyone learning together.
Platform: | Size: 346112 | Author: xiangxi | Hits:


Description: 一个学习MVC的很好的实例 此项目以JSP、servlet、JavaBean实现MVC三层架构,*仅供参考* 环境:eclipse_3.2、myeclipse_5.1、jdk_6.0、tomcat_5.5、数据库sql server 2005 为方便调试,未设置默认首页,请从bookworm.jsp登陆 数据库端口、帐户、密码等可能有所不同,请到BookStore\WebRoot\WEB-INF下的 connection.xml文件中更改配置 -A learning of the good example of MVC project to JSP, servlet, JavaBean realize MVC three-tier system,* for reference only* Environment: eclipse_3.2, myeclipse_5.1, jdk_6.0, tomcat_5.5, database sql server 2005 for the convenience of debugging, not set the default home page from the database bookworm.jsp landing port, account, password, etc. may be different, please BookStoreWebRootWEB-INF under connection.xml document to change the configuration
Platform: | Size: 2184192 | Author: zhangxinjie | Hits:


Description: 用jsp+servlet+netbean+sql2000实现的bs架构的学生管理系统-With jsp+ Servlet+ Netbean+ Sql2000 realize the bs architecture student management system
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: JSP同学录JSP+SQL基于B/S结构-JSP Classmates JSP+ SQL-based B/S structure
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: | Hits:


Description: java+jsp开发的校园管理系统,后台数据库使用SQL Server2000,功能详尽,界面友好,请大家指教-java+ jsp development of the campus management systems, back-end database using SQL Server2000, features a detailed, user-friendly, please advise everyone
Platform: | Size: 498688 | Author: | Hits:


Description: JSP+SQL做的BBS论坛系统,调试简单,只需稍微设置就可以运行-JSP+ SQL to do the BBS forum systems, debugging is simple, just a little set up to run
Platform: | Size: 2306048 | Author: 云生 | Hits:

[WEB Codegoodsshop

Description: 网上商城系统~~基于 JSP \ SQL SERVER2000 \ TOMCAT 有一定的参考价值-Internet Shopping Mall System ~ ~ based on the JSP SQL SERVER2000 TOMCAT some reference value
Platform: | Size: 852992 | Author: 呵呵 | Hits:


Description: JSP+SQL 图书馆管理系统,源码+数据库+详细需求分析(全!)SQL2-JSP+ SQL library management system, source code+ database+ a detailed needs analysis (all!) SQL2000
Platform: | Size: 1741824 | Author: 高晓书 | Hits:

[SQL Servermovie

Description: 一个在线影院系统,JSP+SQL Server,毕业设计时做的,希望能帮上大家的忙。-An online theater system, JSP+ SQL Server, designed to do graduate, I hope you can help on the busy.
Platform: | Size: 1495040 | Author: 苏星海 | Hits:


Description: Java+jsp+sql功能完善的注册登录程序,适合初学者学习使用-Java+ jsp+ sql function of sound registration log-in procedure, suitable for beginners learning to use
Platform: | Size: 544768 | Author: gaojunjia | Hits:

[source in ebookxsxxxt

Description: jsp+sql开发的学生课程管理系统,希望对初学者有用!-the system development process in the development of basic software engineering methods to follow completely the use of structured programming methods. The main functions of the system can be convenient for the student hostel management, system uses MYSQL database data with strong integrity, good features such as data security, as well as help provide a standard, allowing users convenient access to the necessary帮助. Friendly interface, easy operation, complete functions, good man-machine interface are the biggest advantages of the system.
Platform: | Size: 522240 | Author: 金刚石 | Hits:
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